The final 11 quotes paint a picture of just how traumatic The Vampire Diaries season 5 has been so far, and the many obstacles that have stood in their way Whether it's relationships endingSeason 5 – Episode 12 SEARCHING FOR THE HIGH ROAD – When Enzo (guest star Michael Malarkey) brings Damon (Ian Somerhalder) a gruesome present and insists that they bond by committing an act of revenge, Damon makes an effort to do the honorable thing After finding himself in awkward and confusing conversations with Nadia (guestStefan thought that Enzo was a bad influence on Damon, Enzo killed Stefan's former girlfriend, Enzo felt that Stefan deserved to suffer for giving up on his brother, Stefan has tried to kill Enzo several times, Enzo was jealous of Stefan for having everything he wanted in life, Stefan helped save him from Sybil, Stefan killed Enzo two times (the

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Enzo vampire diaries death season 5
Enzo vampire diaries death season 5-Often the least believable deaths on The Vampire Diaries were the ones connected to magic and/or vampirism That's also the case of Alaric In the third season, the Original Witch tied Alaric's fate to Elena's So when Elena drowned after the car she was in went over the Wickery Bridge, Alaric died too because of the magical bond between them All 13 songs featured in The Vampire Diaries season 5 episode 9 The Cell, with scene descriptions E7 Death and the MaidenE8 (013) Flashback of Damon meeting Enzo while imprisoned in the Augustine cells (repeats) Enzo is returned to his cell after being tortured and Damon demands answers

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The Vampire Diaries (season 6) List of episodes " Yellow Ledbetter " is the 2nd episode of the sixth season of the American series The Vampire Diaries and the series' 113th episode overall "Yellow Ledbetter" was originally aired on , on The CW The episode was written by Julie Plec and directed by Pascal Verschooris A few episodes back, Stefan killed Enzo on The Vampire Diaries, but because Bonnie has some weird powers, her grief caused a ripple effect that created a new world in which Enzo is now hiding from In Season 5, Damon irks Enzo by revealing that he killed Maggie, Enzo's long lost love The Augustine vampire then vows to revenge Maggie's death and tries to create a rift between the Salvatore
Season 5 kicks off with a murder mystery at Whitmore College The first victim we see is Meghan King, Caroline & Elena's roommate It was Enzo who killed her, but the Augustine society helped cover it up so they could continue to do experiments on Enzo and other vampires The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 19 Enzo holds Elena, Stefan and Bonnie hostage to uncover the truth about the love of his life Markos performs a ritual to undo witch's magic Views 36Bob Mahoney/The CW Matthews adds, "Damon's a fairly obvious
Wes shot Enzo in the shoulder to see if Damon would get hungry enough at the smell of his blood to break the chains Damon busts through easily and attacks Enzo Enzo tries to remain calm and yells at Damon to stop Finally, Damon pulls off and starts retching In this week's explosive Vampire Diaries episode, "You Made a Choice to Be Good," Bonnie injected Stefan with the cure after he killed Enzo right in front of her After seeing Enzo lying dead on the ground, Bonnie let out a scream of agony, and it looked like she was in so much pain, a pulse was emitted into the airLater, Enzo returned to the restaurant, and Tripp is there too, then he is attacked by him because Tripp learns that Enzo was killing people on the restaurant, Tripp injects to Enzo a syringe with vervain and is surprised as it hasn't effect on him, Enzo attacks to Tripp and is about to kill him but Stefan attacks him on the back stabbing a stake in him, Enzo falls unconscious and Stefan tells

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Buy The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 19 on Google Play, then watch on your PC, Android, or iOS devices Download to watch offline and even view it on a big screen using Chromecast After Bonnie's friends learned of her death in season 5, they gathered together to say goodbye Here's why Matt brought a whistle to the funeral Here's the significance of why Matt Donovan brought a whistle to Bonnie Bennett's funeral on The Vampire Diaries Even though Stefan Salvatore killed Bonnie's true love Enzo St John, during The Vampire Diaries finished its season with and tearjerker moments from the seasonfive closer Stefan's "death" of the second half of

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As is so often the case with The Vampire Diaries, we got to like a character most right before he was killedWe'll keep seeing Enzo since he's now determined toThe Vampire Diaries ) "While You Were Sleeping" is the 16th episode of the fifth season of the American series The Vampire Diaries and the series' 105th episode overall "While You Were Sleeping" was originally aired on , on The CW The episode was written by Caroline Dries and directed by Pascal Verschooris Tyler worries about Matt's relationship with Nadia Damon and Enzo resort to violence to convince Bonnie and Jeremy to help them get revenge, but their plan takes a horrifying turn stream The Vampire Diaries season 5 episode 13;

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Damon (Ian Somerhalder) will be targeted by his friends and family in "The Vampire Diaries" Season 8, episode 5 Photo CW "The Vampire Diaries" Season 8, episode 5 is called "Coming Home Was a Mistake" The title is a quote that Stefan said to Elena (Nina Dobrev) in the fifth episode of the first seasonBonnie first met Enzo in Season 5's Total Eclipse of the Heart, when Enzo and Damon revealed their intention to find and kill Wes in revenge for the torture he The Vampire Diaries Season 5 focuses on the return of Silas and the death of Bonnie Enzo brings Damon a gross present on The Vampire Diaries this week Love You to Death, Vampire Diaries

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Share Tweet Email 0 Comment Since season 5 of The Vampire Diaries, Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Enzo (Michael Malarkey) have had an increasingly strained relationship, especially when the latter is misled to believe that Stefan had killed Maggie, his lover, during the 1960s Although Enzo has died more than once throughout the series, with Stefan playing aThe Vampire Diaries season 5 episode 19 "Man on fire" No copyright infringement intended I do NOT own this scenes!Former Enemies, Former Frenemies, Former Allies;

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